Best Tag Editor For Mac

Active1 year, 6 months ago

Best Id 3 Tag Editor Mac Online Pharmacy from Canada, Buy generic medications. Buy Cialis|Viagra|Levitra Online! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! Generic Cialis online from authorised, on-line pharmacy in the U.S., Canada, and worldwide. What is a good.mp3/.m4v tag editor for OS X that's not iTunes? I'd prefer free but I'm open to anything. I've looked at ID3 Editor but that only does.mp3 (from what I could see). I want to set my own values so no need for an auto-tagger.

What is a good .mp3/.m4v tag editor for OS X that's not iTunes?

I'd prefer free but I'm open to anything.

I've looked at ID3 Editor but that only does .mp3 (from what I could see).

I want to set my own values so no need for an auto-tagger.

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closed as not constructive by slhckOct 12 '12 at 7:49

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7 Answers

Easytag is available through Fink:


and MacPorts:

Marco Schuh produced an unofficial native build, though it seems the file is currently (Feb. 2018) offline.

22.1k14 gold badges55 silver badges89 bronze badges

I'm interested in this also - I've tried a few MP3 taggers to no avail as all have so far paled in comparison to Tag&Rename which is still Windows only - I still run VirtualBox for this one application.

For .m4v files I've been using the wonderful MetaX - have used this for my entire DVD collection.

Maurice KellyMaurice Kelly

You can use the Swiss Army knife Mp3tag right within Mac OS. Take a look here:

Best Tag Editor For MacLeniel Maccaferri

Best Music Tag Editor For Mac

Leniel Maccaferri
5263 gold badges8 silver badges24 bronze badges

Not free, but I use Media Rage.


Best Id3 Tag Editor For Mac

If you're not opposed to using the command line, including compiling from source, check out ID3 mass tagger.

After using it a bit myself, I definitely think it should have been included in OS X as default!

EDIT: Oh, and it's free and open source (obviously).


I just found TriTag from this question here, and it worked great for me. It works for MP3, don't know about other formats.

tylerltylerlBest mp3 tag editor mac os
1,9741 gold badge14 silver badges21 bronze badges

Mp3 Tag Editor For Mac

Best Tag Editor For Mac

Best command line mp4 tag editor is libmp4v2

Just compile and instale and it works fine (of course you need installed the development tools in your mac).

3,72414 gold badges30 silver badges45 bronze badges
Alejandro SierraAlejandro Sierra

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